A special crime unit investigates serialized crimes that cross over European borders, to hunt down criminals and bring them to justice.
I’m not at all surprised Syfy decided to renew Haven for a new season, but there was a fun twist to
《凶宅处理专员 The Surrealtor》讲述房地产经纪Nick Roman及他的精英团队专门负责一种案子:会把买家吓跑,确实在闹鬼的凶宅。不过在调查﹑处理凶宅的过程中,主角们在这环境下也得和自己
The confession was just the beginning…
Julio Torres goes on the search through New York City, for a golden oyster earring, encountering peo
Netflix续订《#外滩探秘# Outer Banks》第二季。
《吸血鬼日记》由美国女作家L.J.史密斯的同名畅销系列小说改编而成。 恢复了嗜血本性的Stefan(保罗•韦斯利 Paul Wesley 饰)渐渐回忆起自己邪恶的一面。复活过来的Jeremy拥有了可
在Rosie Larsen的案子结束一年之后,Sarah Linden已经辞去了警察的工作。但是她的前搭档在Stephen Holder一次寻找失踪少女的案件中,无意间发现了一系列恐怖的谋杀案,而这些
The city's most highly skilled medical team saves lives, while navigating their unique interpersonal