Amanda Tapping饰演一位157岁的Helen meijubar.net Magnus博士,英国维多利亚时代皇家学院第一批女博士之一,她曾和开膛手杰克订婚并有了一个女儿Ashley。不过As
《凶宅处理专员 The Surrealtor》讲述房地产经纪Nick Roman及他的精英团队专门负责一种案子:会把买家吓跑,确实在闹鬼的凶宅。不过在调查﹑处理凶宅的过程中,主角们在这环境下也得和自己
Syfy宣布剧集《#凡妮莎海辛# Van Helsing》续订第五兼最终季,13集最终季将于明年初开机拍摄,预定同年播出。
Netflix续订《#外滩探秘# Outer Banks》第二季。
The movie will be a romantic film featuring two people who are not right for each other. The story i
The series follows Faye Yager, who built a vast underground network that hid hundreds of mothers and
The city's most highly skilled medical team saves lives, while navigating their unique interpersonal